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For 2 years Corporate Spirit (in collaboration with the People and Performance Branch of Business and Consumer Banking (BCB)) wholly designed and partially delivered (as one of a number of facilitation partners of BCB):

Mission Possible workshops for up to 30 people over 1 or 2 days, for the senior 4 levels of management within BCB. The content of these workshops included the use of the LSI tool, Emotional Intelligence and creation of personal development plans that were built on through coaching sessions

Coaching – 360 degree-based behavioural change and development for individuals based on a development plan developed within the Mission Possible workshops.

Fully delivered a culture change toolkit of short interventions to support on-going learning after attending the Mission Possible programme and to support staff members in better understanding how to develop a more constructive, effective and transparent culture in teams across the whole business unit.

We have been providing coaching, facilitation, consultation and change initiatives to senior executives, managers and team members to support the overall culture and structural changes within the organisation.

Corporate Spirit performed a Train the Trainer program for senior executives within the business unit in ‘How to Coach using the LSI’. This 3 day program introduced the fundamentals of coaching, the psychology behind and use of the LSI and how to be with people from a more self-aware perspective.

Early measures indicate that the culture has become more constructive, co-operative and collaborative, more open and transparent and more innovative.

Over a 5 month period, Corporate Spirit was involved in the OGP project at Westpac. With the People & Performance Stream of the OGP Project, Corporate Spirit created and designed an innovative culture change and learning program to support the transition of approximately 6,500 Westpac staff from 10 central business district locations to 2 (OGP and 60 Martin Place). The scope of the project meant that very little would be the same for those transitioning to the new locations. Elements of change included the move itself, new operational and procedural practices (technology, work practices and mobility) and new people practices that were radically different (review of policies to support and sustain flexible working practices). There were also those who would not move to be considered and included in the transition. Those in other states and regions needed also to be included in aligning their identity with OGP and the new way Westpac does things.

Our way of working with this transition was to honour the past, recognise what will be left behind before turning to the future. We envisage a programme of communication, engagement, change and learning that was:

Highly creative and innovative that considered all Westpac staff and customers.

Based upon a series of communications that were non-intrusive, short, sharp, kept people in the loop and began to address and develop changes in staff behaviour.

ÿAble to leverage and build into other existing programmes (such as Mission Possible, Leadership Programmes) and other cultural enablers (Leader Forums).

Built to address the ‘bushfires’ that were bound to occur – able to address the unexpected or curious risings within the organisation as OGP came on stream.

Integrative rather than exclusive, based on a series of events and communications (one-off and sustained over the project) that kept all affected by the move in the loop.

Committed to finding ways of working positively with the cultural and personal barriers that would arise (cynicism, distrust, physical location and access, new work practices, …).

Created by a team working on purpose and in collaboration, a team wanting to meet the needs of the organisation AND be of service to the staff relocating.